authenticity · freedom · happiness · inspiration · new beginnings

An Authentic Life


For over a week now I have pondered my first post for 2014, knowing what is in my heart, but where to find the words, I contemplated?

I should never have bothered my brain, as the words arrived by magic in the form of an email this morning, from Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret.

“The New Year’s Resolution That Will Change Your Life

There’s one simple message that’s threaded through my books, and it’s the most important message anyone can hear if they want 2014 to be the best year of their life.

Do whatever you can to feel good, because when you feel good, life will be good. The better you feel, the better life will get! Think about, talk about, and focus on the areas of your life that make you feel good, and temporarily keep off the subjects that don’t make you feel good. When you do this one simple thing, everything in your life will get better, whether that’s better relationships, health, money, or better circumstances with your job. Nothing in your life can ever improve until you feel better, and when you feel better, everything will improve. Make feeling as good as you can your number one priority for 2014, and it will be the best year of your life!” ~ Rhonda Byrne.


……which brings me to the point of why I needed these words.

For the last few years I have considered, rather than making New Years Resolutions, what would my theme be for the coming year? Some years, the word I am searching for simply pops into my mind unannounced, other years I have floundered around, searching for my word, without any luck. It always arrives eventually, when I have forgotten my desperation for such a word and I least expect to ever discover it.


“As you become more aligned with the truth of who you are, the question of liking yourself goes away. It is a natural state of being.” ~ Rachel Archelaus

This time, the word arrived during December, unannounced, without even so much as a tap on the door of my subconscious mind. It arrived disguised as a feeling, a longing, a simple knowing that this is the direction my life must always take.

My word steered me, ever so gently, into the feelings of knowing that from that day forth and forever more, I must live my life as an authentic human being. So you see, my actual word for 2014 found me and began to weave its magic at some time during December, or, I began my authentic life at that time rather than awaiting January 1. Which came first, the date or the word, is of no consequence, and I don’t remember the date, for it flowed smoothly into my life and took hold of its helm.


Rhonda Byrne’s words resonate with my soul ~ do whatever you can to feel good ~ I feel good when I am living my life as the real me, the authentic me, the person I am when I stop trying to be what I perceive others believe I am, the person I was as a child before other well meaning beings decided what I should be and began steering my life for me.

That last train of thought rattles my equilibrium, so I will banish it from my brain. Old thoughts, old habits, old perceptions, must go, if I wish to improve the content of my life as another year unfolds.

“Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn’t what you get for it, but what you become for it. Shake things up today! Be You…Be Free…Share.” ~ Steve Maraboli


I already know, from both endless reading on the subject and having lived on this earth for over half a century (my god, I sound old!) that if you yourself are not happy, no one around you will be either. Happiness breeds happiness ~ isn’t that a comforting thought? It is so much easier to be happy than it is not to be and the condition is contagious!


The following check-list that I came across recently poses the question “do you love yourself?” and asks are you…

* Following your heart’s desire.
* Taking care of your own needs.
* Taking responsibility for your life and happiness.
* Treating yourself with gentleness and kindness.
* Laughing often.
* Being yourself inwardly and outwardly.
* Spending time with people who make you feel good and limiting the time you spend with                  people who don’t.
* Forgiving yourself for what you perceive you’ve done wrong or haven’t done.
* Accepting yourself the way you are.
* Allowing love into your life.
* Spending regular time having fun and playing.

All of the above options are available to anyone, with just a simple adjustment of mindset and a touch of determination. It’s a way of life, not a grand announcement. No one need be hurt in the pursuing of one’s dreams of authenticity and any souls who cannot cope with the reality (of you becoming authentically you) will exit the stage of your life over time. I know this, therefore tolerance to change is also required.


“How desperately difficult it is to be honest with oneself. It is much easier to be honest with other people. What is true is invisible to the eye. It is only with the heart that one can see clearly.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery


If I am to be completely honest, which is a prerequisite to being authentic, I have edged my way toward authenticity for many years already. It’s a habit, just as surely as any way we choose to live.

I’d really love to hear everyone’s thoughts on 2014. Have you a chosen word which will steer the course of your world throughout the year? This year has a positive feel about it to me, for no other reason than it’s just the way I feel!

17 thoughts on “An Authentic Life

  1. Wonderfully observed and written Joanne, and I wish you a year of peace and happiness as well..
    Sometimes we have to accept the things we cannot change, yes, we cannot change..and what we concerned ourselves about this time Last year – we possibly can’t even remember about Today..therefore – slide over this day and into Tomorrow with a smile of acceptance of whatever the day or week will bring to us..tomorrow will come, regardless….Kindest regards, Estelle….


    1. Hello Estelle and a very happy new year to you! Thank you for the compliment, I really enjoyed writing this post. It came from my heart, where I’m sure all the most profound words have been written from. You make a very good point there and I love your wisdom, I cannot remember what my plans were this time last year! I could go back and check through diary entries to jog my memory, but why bother, when we have a whole new year ahead of us. 🙂


      1. Hi again Joanne – yes, this is what I mean – sometimes we can become so terribly upset and disturbed within our own thinking, we feel we just don’t know how we can manage at times, sometimes about little things, and other times about things we don’t think we deserved at all, (and we really didn’t)- but we seem to manage, we really do, and we think back to the times when the children were small and we were younger and think, gosh, how did I manage to do that, or cope with that, but we did, and it takes something like a diary, or a photograph to (later on) stir our memories of those times, and sometimes they make us sad to view, sometimes they make us happy, but we coped then, right through it all – but sometimes it’s not a good thing to keep a diary I feel, (or weight scales – we’ve never kept them) – and we can cope again – especially if we have our good health, that is really important, our good health..and it’s not until we see others around us without good health (and ourselves sometimes) to realize – why bother about wasting our thoughts on such worrying things we’ll forget about anyway..eventually -we only have one body to live in and we have to treat it right..that’s why I confuse the specialists, they don’t realize I am as old as I am..and I’ve been able to tell them a thing or two as well..(we used to have locums live with us doing their rural training)
        I’ve always been a sickling child and adult, even though I don’t look it at all, and confuse the gps & specialists who never seem forget me!!
        You have some really wonderful advice there Joanne and something we can all think about too..for those who read what you have written, yes, it’s amazing how we can sometimes just write what is in our hearts, we don’t need the written word to prompt what we think’s all there hidden within our souls, and waiting for the right moment to perhaps record and to give solace to others..
        We’ve lost a lot of our loved ones over the years, and we realize by knowing these loved ones, just how short life really is, and ofcourse there’s no time to ponder with a sad heart..
        Centuries ago, people went through the same things we do, in a different way, and they coped, however hard – some stronger than others, otherwise we just wouldn’t be here to experience this World now, and perhaps we can take a leaf from their lives of old..


        1. I often wonder how our ancestors coped with life. They would have had it harder than us, here with all of our “mod-cons”, medical knowledge and even the internet, allowing us to obtain knowledge on any subject at the touch of a few buttons! I enjoy having access to my previous thoughts, look forward to upcoming events in the future, whilst realising that it’s today that counts the most. Yes, sometimes I can feel sad when reading about specific times, but they are all memories and have formed the people we are today.

          I’m not surprised that the doctors are amazed by you, but knowing what I do of you, showing such an interest in many things, going on outings and staying informed; it all keeps you young. 🙂


  2. I agree, 2014 does have a positive feel to it. Your words presented here make a lot of sense. Trying to feel as good as possible, being who you really are, being good to yourself – all excellent concepts. I wrote about trying to find the joy in the every day and celebrate change rather than worry about it – similar ideas to yours, I think, and all about keeping positive. Here’s to the best 2014 we can have!


    1. Thank you Karma; I think that many of us are realising the need to enjoy the days as they come to us, noticing the small joys and counting our blessings. 🙂


  3. Beautiful post, Joanne, and it brought about my own “ah-ha!” moment. I realize now that my word for the year and my challenge/resolutions are all about doing what makes me feel good on all levels. My word presented itself early, too, and I’ve been pondering it since sometime in December. It’s nice when that happens. As you pointed out, some years it’s not so easy.

    Happy New Year, Joanne! 🙂


    1. Thank you Robin, and how wonderful that I could help you reach an “ah-ha” moment! Your posts always inspire me and so many times have led me to my own moments of realisation, so I’m so happy to have helped you. 🙂


  4. Susan over at “29BlackStreet” often speaks about her word for the year. Before her, I’d never heard about the concept. And now here you are saying it too. I tend to be glib and come up with cutsey “look aren’t I funny” answers, so I won’t choose a word here. I’ll try and think about it and see what comes. Happy New Year.


    1. Oh Sybil, you have no idea how often I have laughed when reading your posts on Facebook, you really are funny and I love your honesty when you state the obvious! Let me know if you arrive at a word for yourself for 2014. I must investigate Susan at “29BlackStreet”, I love to hear about words chosen and why people have decided on them. 🙂


  5. I agree – Henry David Thoreau called this “living deliberately.” It’s not always easy to do with the distractions of the modern world, but I have found that happiness follows me when I am part of the natural world. So, my “theme” for this year will be to go outside more, especially when the blues are chasing me relentlessly. ❤


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